All members of St. John’s Lutheran Church, Altamont, NY:
The St. John’s Call Committee recommended a pastoral candidate to the congregation council. The congregation council, after due diligence, is recommending the pastoral candidate to the congregation. The pastoral candidate will be here in Altamont on Sunday July 25th to officiate at a call worship service at 9:30 am.
On Saturday July 24th. the congregation will have the opportunity to meet and speak with the pastoral candidate and family at a “meet and greet” event in Fellowship Hall from 3-5 pm. Light refreshments will be served. Please join us and let your voice be heard!
This is official notice that St. John’s congregation council is calling a special congregation meeting on Sunday July 25th immediately following the 9:30 am worship service to vote on the pastoral candidate. You can attend the Special Congregation Meeting in person in the sanctuary or join the meeting from home via zoom.
Yours in Christ,
Church Council
Kate O’Donnell, President; John Hukey, Vice-President; Kirby Wilson, Secretary; Lynne Baldauf, Treasurer; Cheryl Alban, James Catalfamo, Linda Garbellano and Karen Williams