
Sunday in-person or on Zoom at 11:00 am 

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About St. John’s

St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church’s desire is to preach, teach and live the Good News of Jesus Christ. Over the last one hundred fifty years there has been a host of people who came and many stayed to serve and be served, to love and be loved in this Christian fellowship that is St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Altamont, New York.

Our congregation is a faith community united in love, filled with hope, and open to the power and gentleness of the Holy Spirit within us. We invite all to be part of the St. John’s faith community. All are welcome at worship, in Sunday school, fellowship events, Bible study and prayer gatherings. We are committed to perpetuate and enhance this Christian fellowship so that together we can share our faith stories and continue on our spiritual journeys.


Prayer Chain

Jesus encourages us to ask God for help and comfort and to love and pray for one another in times of trial and in thanksgiving. Self-initiated by individual or family member request, the need for prayer is shared currently with 26 people on a chain that has been active for 40 years!

Education Hour

During the school year (Sept thru early June) join us Sundays at 9:45 am for Bible Study with Pastor Eric in the Fellowship Hall.  All are welcome.

Men’s Breakfast

The Men’s Breakfast meets every Saturday morning to enjoy breakfast prepared by the participants. Prayer and discussion follow. Contributions cover expenses and remaining funds are distributed to charitable organizations.


We gather to share a meals and fellowship, community service endeavors and decorating the church for Christmas. Donations collected help cover expenses, support organizations and projects several times a year.



The congregation is committed to our youth and their development as the future leaders of the congregation. Youth are involved in worship, community charitable events, music performances, outdoor activities with area youth, Lutheran National assemblies and more.


Agnes Armstrong leads us in our musical ministry. She is committed to developing a music program that complements the liturgy, the sermon and the spirit of the congregation. She succeeds in that goal for every church service. She is a master organist and does an outstanding job with St. John’s Church Choir.

Lutheran Church Women

Meetings take place on the third Thursday of the month to enjoy a potluck dinner and program. We believe in the fellowship of women working for Christ. We do regular fund-raising activities to support a child through the Christian Children’s Fund and financially support our church, local community and ELCA projects.


Bible Study

Bible Study meets Thursday mornings at 11:00 am from September through May. Pastor Eric decides on a topic or book of the Bible to study and discuss. All are welcome; no pressure, no judgment, come as you are! 


Pastor Eric welcomes people for prayer in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings at 8:45 am.

Social Ministry

Our Social Ministry committee sends cards and care packages to military and college students. Food is collected in the sanctuary and donated to local food pantries.  Our Little Food Pantry, located by the side entrance, is somewhere that people experiencing food insecurity can annonymously get needed non-perishable food items, 24 hrs a day all year.