Anniversary Cookbook

Anniversary Cookbook

St John’s Lutheran Church in Altamont is creating a commemorative cookbook in honor of the 150th Anniversary 1872-2022.  If you have a recipe you often made to for church gatherings, shared at community events, or just really like to eat or to make, please send it to...
Reimer Installment 3-20-22

Reimer Installment 3-20-22

Congratulations Pastor Eric! It was a wonderful celebration of your Installment by Conference Dean Rev. Jo Page on Sunday, March 20, 2022 with special guest Upstate NY Synod Bishop Lee Miller II preaching. Also celebrating during our 150th Anniversary were former...
150th Anniversary Celebration

150th Anniversary Celebration

150 years ago St. John’s Lutheran Church planted in Altamont New York. Join us at 11am on March 20th at St. John’s as we celebrate a ministry that has been serving God’s people since 1872. Bishop Lee Miller II of the Upstate New York Synod and Pastor...