Collection for Our Veterans

Collection for Our Veterans

Volunteers will be outside the church to welcome donors, accept their gifts, and extend thanks on behalf of our Veterans. St. John’s Lutheran Church 140 Maple Avenue, Altamont May 15 – May 25 Wed – Sat 10am – 2pm Fri 5pm – 8pm … Plus...
Holy Week Worship Schedule

Holy Week Worship Schedule

March 25, Chrism Mass with Bishop Lee Miller II, at 9:00am at Messiah Lutheran in Rotterdam March 28, Maundy Thursday service at 7:00pm at St. John’s March 29, Ecumenical Good Friday Service at 1:00pm followed by the Procession of the Crosses at Altamont Reformed...

Worship Returns to 11am

8:30am Brew Coffee with Pastor Reimer, Kitchen; 8:45am Morning Prayer, Sanctuary; 9:45am Bible Study and Discussion, Parish Hall; 11:00am Worship, Sanctuary

Worship in the Park – Sunday, Aug 20

Join us at 10:00 am Sunday, Aug 20, for the Annual Service in the Park.  We meet at Orsini Park with other area church congregations and visitors.  Bring a lawn chair.  Loose offerings are donated to the Altamont Food Pantry.