Collection for Veterans 2023

Collection for Veterans 2023

May 17-May 27, at St John’s, Wed thru Sat 10am to 2pm plus Fri 5pm to 8pm.  We are partnering with the American Legion and VFW to provide the Albany Housing Coalition Veteran Housing Services with needed items: Twin XL sheet sets, comforters, pillows; laundry...
Holy Week Schedule 2023

Holy Week Schedule 2023

MAUNDY THURSDAY, APRIL 6: Maundy Thursday service at 7:00pm; GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 7: Ecumenical service at Altamont Reformed Church at 1:00pm followed by the Procession of the Crosses.  Good Friday Service of Tenebrae at 7:00pm at St. John’s; EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL...
Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service

Worship with us at 8 pm on Saturday, December 24th.  You will receive a candle as you arrive.  If you are joining us on Zoom, we encourage you to have a candle to light with us. There will be no services on Christmas Day.